lundi 16 mars 2009

The rules of Notre Dame

We aren't allowed to use our mobile phones but we are allowed to bring our calling card.
We aren't allowed to run in the playground but we aren't allowed to run to school.
We aren't allowed to listen to music but we are allowed to listen to music to school.
We aren't allowed to eat and drink during the lesson , but we are allowed to eat and drink in the playground.
Girls aren't allowed to have a percing but they are allowed to have earring.

lundi 9 mars 2009

What do you at weekends ?

During my weekends :

In the morning :

- First, I wake up at 7hours.
- Then, I get up.
- Afterwards, I wash and I get dressed.
- Finally, I do breakfast and I set the table.

In the Afternoon :

- First, I clear the table and I wash up.
- Then, I brush one's teeth.
- Afterwards, I do my homework and I chat with Elisa on the Internet.
- Finally, I watch Tv.

At night :

- First, I phone my friends Elisa.
- Then, I have a dinner.
- Afterwards, I brush my teeth and I clear the table.
- Finally, I chat on the Internet and I go to bed.